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Steps (3) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtaining Dangerous Goods Shipping Approval Certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 2 expand_more expand_less

Royal Scientific Society (x 2)
Electronic Payment

Results 1 expand_more expand_less

Dangerous goods declaration report.
Dangerous goods declaration report.

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Packing list
Safety Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
A representative sample drawn for the purpose of transferring it for testing
unique number
Notification of successful payment

Cost Free

expand_more expand_less

Free of charge

Total Duration 2d 1/2 - 11d  expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 2d 1/2 11d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 25mn 1h. 10mn
Attention at counter: 5mn 30mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 2d 10d

Laws 3 expand_more expand_less

  للبضائع الخطرة  IATA   دليل لوائح IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR) manual
ASTM الدليل القياسي لاختبار عبوات المواد الخطرة (البضائع الخطرة) ASTM- Standard Guide for Testing of Hazardous Materials (Dangerous Goods) Packagings
Testing Services Catalougue Testing service catalog by the Royal Scientific Society
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