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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 1 expand_more expand_less

Ministry Of Agriculture (x 5)

Results 1 expand_more expand_less

Feed import license with an issued number

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Current Commercial Registration
ID or authorization
Foreign Certificate of Origin
License application request - Ministry of Agriculture
Certificate of registration of feed additives or concentrates if the product is one of them
Payment order for the services of issuing a vegetable/animal license
Payment Receipt - in place of issuing an import license
Signed and stamped feed import license

Estimated cost JOD  10

expand_more expand_less

JOD expand_more expand_less
  • JOD Add Name Here
JOD 10
License issuance fees

Total Duration 50mn - 3d 1/2  expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 50mn 3d 1/2
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 25mn 1h. 25mn
Attention at counter: 25mn 1h. 40mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 0mn 3d

Laws 3 expand_more expand_less

قرار بدل الخدمات الزراعية ز-9 لسنة 2015 Agricultural Services Allowance Resolution G-9 for the year 2015
قانون الزراعة رقم 13 لعام 2015 Agriculture Law No. 13 for the year 2015
الشروط العامة لاستيراد الاعلاف General conditions for importing feed Where each type of feed is subject to the conditions for its import.
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