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Steps (5) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtaining an export license from the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority  (5) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 1 expand_more expand_less

Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority (x 5)

Results 1 expand_more expand_less

Export License by Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Current Commercial Registration
Original goods export invoice
Official letter from exporting co. (request export license) as well as authorizing someone to repre… (x 2)
Request an export license approved by the Energy Authority
Payment order from the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (x 2)


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Total Duration 30mn - 1h. 30mn  expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 30mn 1h. 30mn
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 5mn 35mn
Attention at counter: 25mn 55mn

Laws 4 expand_more expand_less

 قانون رقم (19) لسنة 2018 - قانون المصادر الطبيعية Law No. (19) of 2018 - Natural Resources Law It is requested only if the importer's card needs to be renewed The Ministry for the Customs Department submits the inquiry electronically using a complete electronic system
قانون رقم (8) لسنة 2017 هيئة تنظيم قطاع الطاقة والمعادن Law No. 8 for the year 2017 Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority Valid
  Article icle 23
الية منح رخص تصدير الخامات المعدنية من قبل هيئة تنظيم قطاع الطاقة والمعادن Mechanism to grant licenses to export of mineral ores by theEnergy & Minerals Regulatory Commission A valid original profession license and a copy thereof with the national number of the establishment affixed to it.
نظام رقم (130) لسنة 2019 - نظام رسوم المقالع والتعدين Regulation No. (130) for the year 2019 - Quarries and Mining Fees Regulations
All rights Reserved @2021 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Jordan Customs