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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 5 expand_more expand_less

Aqaba Container Port (x 6)
ASYCUDA Worldwide Website / Customs Department
Customs Centers - Jordan Customs Department (x 2)
Electronic Payment
Aqaba Customs Center/ Inspection site

Results 0 expand_more expand_less


Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Certificate of origin certified by the Chamber of Industry and the MoITS
Certified export invoice

Estimated cost JOD  44

expand_more expand_less

JOD expand_more expand_less
  • JOD Add Name Here
This is an estimate based on a series of assumptions which you can modify to calculate your own costs:

Cost detail

Estimate your cost

JOD 0 -
0.2 % goods-value
Of the value of goods service fees/Customs Department, provided that this charge is not less than 50 dinars and not more than 500 dinars, Code 301
JOD 0 -
0.3 % Shipping fees
Import stamps on shipping fees Code 111
JOD 10
Import stamps on customs declaration
On each customs lead seal
JOD 30
customs service fees
JOD 0 -
JOD  5 per Container
Traffic fees for goods of Jordanian origin
JOD 0 -
JOD  2 per Container
Radiation Monitoring Fee

Total Duration 1h. 15mn - 1d 1/2  expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 1h. 15mn 1d 1/2
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 10mn 35mn
Attention at counter: 1h. 5mn 4h. 5mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 0mn 4h.

Laws 8 expand_more expand_less

قانون الجمارك رقم 20 لسنة 1998 وفقاً للقانون المعدل رقم (33) لسنة 2018 Customs Law No. 20 for the year 1998 in accordance with the amended Law No. 33 for the year 2018
  Chapters ter 9 -, ter Five - ,  articles Five - icles 69-72, icle 161, icles 61-64, icles 61-65
بدلات الخدمات دائرة الجمارك Customs Service Allowances
تعميم الدفع الإلكتروني- دائرة الجمارك Electronic Payment Circulation - Customs Department
قانون الغذاء رقم (30) لسنة 2015 Food Law No. 30 for the year 2015
قانون رسوم طوابع الواردات Import Stamp Duty Law
  Article icle 15
لائحة بدلات خدمات ميناء حاويات العقبة لسنة 2019 List of Aqaba Container Port Services Allowances for the Year 2019
  Article icle 3 Point 6
بلاغ وثيقة نقل Notice/ Necessity to present a transfer document
  Article Notification 20 of 2008
الأحكام الخاصة بالاعمال Provisions for container port business Container Terminal business provisions
  articles Clause D, Paragraph 3, Point 2, Point 4, icle C
All rights Reserved @2021 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Jordan Customs