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Steps (5) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtaining an authorization number to benefit from simplified rules of origin for export to the EU  (5) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 3 expand_more expand_less

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply
Customs Centers - Jordan Customs Department (x 3)
Ministry of Labor

Results 1 expand_more expand_less

Euro 1 certificate template

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Company registration certificate
Professional license/work permit
Certificate of participation in industrial or commercial chambers
Syrian labor work permits
Social Security statement
Form for obtaining an authorization number to benefit from the simplification of rules of origin
Form for obtaining an authorization number to benefit from the simplification of rules of origin
Form for obtaining an authorization number to benefit from the simplification of rules of origin… (x 4)
Form for obtaining an authorization number to benefit from the simplification of rules of origin…
A letter from the Ministry of Labor for the examination of Syrian workers

Estimated cost JOD  2

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JOD expand_more expand_less
  • JOD Add Name Here

Total Duration 30mn - 2d 1/2  expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 30mn 2d 1/2
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 0mn 30mn
Attention at counter: 30mn 1h. 50mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 0mn 2d

Laws 7 expand_more expand_less

تعليمات الرقابة والسيطرة لتنفيذ قرار تبسيط قواعد المنشأ للتصدير للاتحاد الاوروبي رقم 1 سنة 2019 Control instructions:implementation of decision to simplify rules of origin -export to EU No.1 2019 Article 4
  Article icle 4-10
اتفاقية الشراكة الاوروبية -يورو1 European Association Agreement - Euro 1
 رابط نموذج تقديم طلب الحصول على رقم تفويض للاستفادة من قرار تبسيط قواعد المنشأ Link: form to apply for an authorization no. regarding decision to simplify the rules of origin
بلاغ 20 لسنة 2013 (تعليمات معدلة للتعليمات الخاصة برسوم الخزن والبدلات  والاعفاء منها ) Notice 20 for the year 2013 (Amended Instructions for Storage Fees, Allowances and Exemptions)
  Article The fee of issuing the EUR1 has been modified according to this notification from 1 Dinar to 2 Dinars
بلاغ 71 لسنة 2004 (اصدار وتصديق شادات اليورو) Notice 71 for the year 2004 (issuance and certification of Euro certificates)
  Article Notification 71 of 2004
بلاغ رقم 25 لسنة 2016 Notice No. 25 of 2016
نسبة العمالة الوافدة مقابل العمالة الأردنية في القطاعات المختلفة The ratio of expatriate workers to Jordanian workers in different sectors
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