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Steps (17) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtaining or renewing an importer card for the first time  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtaining an import license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade  (1) expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a shipping company expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a clearance company (1/2) expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a transport company (sea or air) expand_more expand_less
Import procedures by sea  (13) expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a clearance company (2/2) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 7 expand_more expand_less

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply (x 4)
ASYCUDA Worldwide Website / Customs Department (x 3)
Customs Centers - Jordan Customs Department (x 6)
Ministry Of Agriculture
Electronic Payment
Shipping companies
Aqaba Ports Corporation

Results 1 expand_more expand_less

Paid customs declaration

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Commercial invoice (x 2)
Foreign Certificate of Origin (x 2)

Estimated cost JOD  58.45

expand_more expand_less

JOD expand_more expand_less
  • JOD Add Name Here
This is an estimate based on a series of assumptions which you can modify to calculate your own costs:

Cost detail

Estimate your cost

JOD 10
Wheat import license issuance fee
JOD 0 -
0.2 % goods-value
Of the value of goods service fees/Customs Department, provided that this charge is not less than 50 dinars and not more than 500 dinars, Code 301
JOD 0 -
0.3 % Shipping fees
Import stamps on shipping fees paid according to Code 111
X-ray monitoring fee
JOD 10
Import stamps on customs declaration
JOD 0 -
1 % goods-value
Charges for customs services on imports if they are exempt from the standard fees
JOD 0 -
JOD  10 per Container
Charges for x-ray inspection services should the goods be inspected
JOD 0 -
JOD  4 per customs lead seal
On each customs lead seal in case of need to transport the goods from the port to the customs center for inspection
JOD 0.2
Delivery authorization stamps
JOD 2.25
Charges per ton from the Ministry of Agriculture, should the goods be valued at more than 1000 Jordanian Dinars code 038
JOD 30
Charges for the services of the Food and Drug Administration, should the goods be valued at more than 1000 Jordanian Dinars 060
بدل الرصاصة الجمركية الواحدة وتستوفى على البيان

Total Duration 1d 1/2 - 4d   expand_more expand_less

  Min. Max.
Total time (sum): 1d 1/2 4d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 35mn 2h. 5mn
Attention at counter: 1h. 35mn 4h. 10mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 1d 3d

Laws 20 expand_more expand_less

قانون الزراعة رقم 13 لعام 2015 Agriculture Law No. 13 for the year 2015
  Article 9
لائحة بدلات خدمات ميناء العقبة لسنة وتعديلاتها 2009 Aqaba Port Services Allowances Regulations for the Year 2009 and its Amendments
تعميم دائرة الجمارك لنقابة الملاحة الاردنية بخصوص اذن التسليم الالكرتوني Circular for Customs Dept. of Jordan Shipping Association regarding the electronic delivery permit
  Article Circular No. 33 of 2020
تعميم النافذة الوطنية بإنجاز البيام إلكتروني Circulating the national window to complete the statement electronically
  articles 1, 2, 3
المعاينة الجمركية Customs inspection
  Article المادة 69 الى 72
قانون الجمارك رقم 20 لسنة 1998 وفقاً للقانون المعدل رقم (33) لسنة 2018 Customs Law No. 20 for the year 1998 in accordance with the amended Law No. 33 for the year 2018
  Chapter ter Nine - ,  articles Five, Three - icle 43 Paragraph “C” and “D”, icle 161, icle 165, icle 43, icle 61, المادة 160 الباب التاسع
بدلات الخدمات دائرة الجمارك Customs Service Allowances
تعميم الدفع الإلكتروني- دائرة الجمارك Electronic Payment Circulation - Customs Department
قانون الغذاء رقم (30) لسنة 2015 Food Law No. 30 for the year 2015
  Article icle 4c and icle 12
قانون الاستيراد و التصدير وتعديلاته رقم 21 لسنة 2001 Import and Export Law and its Amendments No. 21 for the year 2001
  articles 8, 9, 10, icles 3
تعليمات معدلة لتعليمات الاستيراد لسنة 2015 Import Instructions No. 109 for the year 2015
  articles 8, 9, 11, 15, icles 5
قانون رسوم طوابع الواردات Import Stamp Duty Law
  Article icle 15
تعليمات إذن التسليم وإجراءات  النافذة الوطنية على البيانات المنظمة Instructions for the procedures & permission to deliver organized data through the national window
  articles 5, Letter No. 36829/7/13/123, النقطة رقم 26
تعليمات رقم 3 لسنة 2017 تخص بدل الرصاص الجمركي Instructions No. 3 for the year 2017 concerning the customs lead allowance
قانون النقل البحري Maritime Transport Law
  Article 25-A
أسس التصريح المسبق لمشروع النافذة الوطنية Principles of prior authorization for the national window project
  Article icle 8/B
دليل المراجع -مؤسسة الغذاء والدواء Reference Guide - Food and Drug Administration The Food and Drug Administration inspects the goods and matches the thermal record of the product according to the transportation and storage instructions for that product, immediately upon arrival
قرار رقم 61 لسنة 2018 والمتعلق باستيراد القمح Resolution No. 61 for the year 2018 related to the import of wheat
نظام رخص وبطاقات االستيراد والتصدير وتعديالته رقم 114 لسنة 2004 System of import and export licenses and cards and its amendments No. 114 for the year 2004
  articles 12, 13, icle 12, icle 4
النظام المعدل لنظام رخص وبطاقات الاستيراد والتصدير رقم 115 لسنة 2015 The amended system of the import and export licenses and cards system No. 115 for the year 2015
  articles 3, icles 2
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