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Steps (15) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtaining approval to export medicines  (1) expand_more expand_less
Obtaining a Certificate of Origin (Chamber of Industry)  (4) expand_more expand_less
Obtain an insurance policy expand_more expand_less
Obtaining a bill of lading and transport document  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtaining a conformity certificate for export purposes expand_more expand_less
Obtaining an authorization number to benefit from simplified rules of origin for export to the EU expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a clearance company (1/2) expand_more expand_less
Export procedures by land  (7) expand_more expand_less
Authentication of movement certificate (EUR 1) expand_more expand_less
Contracting with a clearance company (2/2) expand_more expand_less

certification bar

Payment of Customs Declaration Duties & Taxes (Medicine)
(last modified: 11/11/2021)

You can apply for this step online

language Apply online

Contact details

Entity in charge

Electronic Payment

Expected results

Payment receipt number affixed to the customs declaration
Paid customs declaration


1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
The barcode number on the customs declaration (electronic payment number)
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Cleared customs declaration (original)
Type of document: electronic copy

Cost JOD 40

JOD expand_more expand_less
  • JOD Add Name Here
This is an estimate based on a series of assumptions which you can modify to calculate your own costs:

Cost detail

Estimate your cost

JOD 30
Fees for an export customs declaration, Customs Department
JOD 0 -
JOD  2 per Container
Radiation Monitoring Fee
JOD 0 -
JOD  0.5 per Container
Import stamps on freight charges
JOD 10
Import stamps on customs declaration
JOD 0 -
JOD  5 per Container
Passage fee for goods of Jordanian origin
or  JOD 0 -
JOD  10 per Container
Passage fee for goods of foreign origin
Payment methods: eFAWATEERCOM
The fees and taxes charged on the customs declaration vary according to customs tariffs and service fees and all other relevant departments. noting that the customs tariff for Medicine is among the tariff items "3003" and "3004".
بند التعريفة الجمركية الخاص بالأدوية 1 بند التعريفة الجمركية الخاص بالأدوية 1
بند التعريفة الجمركية الخاص بالأدوية 2 بند التعريفة الجمركية الخاص بالأدوية 2

Legal justification

1. Electronic Payment Circulation - Customs Department
Electronic Payment Circulation - Customs Department
Article CircularNo.1200of2018
2. قانون الجمارك رقم 20 لسنة 1998 وفقاً للقانون المعدل رقم (33) لسنة 2018
Customs Law No. 20 for the year 1998 in accordance with the amended Law No. 33 for the year 2018
Chapter ter9- ,  Article icle161
3. Circulated fee for export stamps
Circulated fee for export stamps
4. Customs Service Allowances
Customs Service Allowances

Additional information

The merchant or his authorized representative will be charged fees in return for the services provided by the employees of the Customs Department and other departments who work with them in accordance with the law.
1- The fees, taxes, and allowances incurred on the customs declarations shall be paid through electronic payment.
2- If the request for amendment of the customs declaration is made by the National Window operations unit, the customs declaration must be amended by the employee in charge in that unit. The clearance company must then verify, follow up with, and accept the amendments made to the declaration before any fees are paid.
3- If the clearance company objects to the amendments made by the National window operations unit to the customs declaration, the fees incurred on the declaration must not be paid and an objection with an attached document with justifications that support its objection must be submitted to the operations unit through the public service system.

Who certified this information ?

Jamal NAJJAR, 25/08/2021

Recourse: Customs Centers - Jordan Customs Department

Entity in charge

Customs Centers - Jordan Customs Department

Main Department- King Hussein Street - opposite the Ministry of Finance, Amman - Abdali 11190
Tel: +962-64623186
Tel. 1: +962-64647791
Directions: Google maps
All centers where the national window is applied in the Customs Department working hours are 24 hours, except that it is working from 7:30-15:30, except on Fridays.

Unit in charge


Mon: 07:30 - 15:30
Tue: 07:30 - 15:30
Wed: 07:30 - 15:30
Thu: 07:30 - 15:30
Fri: closed
Sat: closed
Sun: 07:30 - 15:30
Official working hours vary from one customs center to another, some of them work on Saturdays, and others work 24 hours.

Person in charge

Iyad Abu Hamda

Head of the Department
Tel: +962-64623186 Ext:2097
All rights Reserved @2021 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Jordan Customs